How does the process work?

Once you secure your photo session with payment we reserve an entire hour for your shoot. Your session might not last an hour but we like to have the extra time just in case of any problems. 

We'll call you to confirm your session and to ensure that  you understand what to expect. 

We'll work hard to get the best possible photo during your shoot. Try to arrive a little early to get acclimated to the studio and so we can meet and talk for a few moments before we start shooting.

It'll take about a week to get your proofs ready. We try to present as many as 12 good options from the shoot. You'll get a link to an online gallery to see your photos. Feel free to share the link with whoever you'd like.  

We'll schedule a call with you after you get the link so we can discuss your options and finish your order. 

We'll provide a couple of images that are optimized for Instagram and Facebook that you can share after you complete your order.

Finishing the portraits can take up to a month but we'll let you know when they're ready to go!

If you want to order additional prints after your initial order is complete just drop us a note and we'll take good care of you.

Pro tips for a great session

The arrival

The most important thing to do to prepare for these sessions is to try to create a relaxing atmosphere a before the actual shoot. Arriving stressed out works against our success in capturing the best possible photo. The most important part of the photo is the expression of the subject so having a relaxing approach to the shoot helps a lot.


You'll want to pay special attention to the hair for this shoot. It's a major part of the image. We'll have some tools available at the shoot like hairspray, brushes and other things but if you arrive with freshly washed and coiffed hair it'll help the photo a lot. Again, we can't emphasize enough how important hair is for your shoot. We have hairstylists for hire if you'd like to do that option.


Dry, cracked lips and skin do not photograph well. Even with the wonders of Photoshop it's extremely difficult to fix dry skin or lips. We suggest using a generous amount of moisturizer and lip balm many days leading up to the shoot. 

Blemishes are an exception. We can fix that. 


Try to remember that these portraits are designed to last for generations so we have a good idea what looks timeless. For children up to 18 months it's our preference to have them be shirtless. For older children and adults a classic collared shirt that doesn't have too many frills is the best option. We'll talk clothing when we call to confirm your shoot.


Email Address: studiojonball@gmail.com

Phone Number: 208-867-0025

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